Wednesday, October 11, 2006

TOP SECRET! Don't Read. Part I

Do you want to know how men think? I’m not talking sex or sports or toys or even leaving a legacy. I’m talking about the root of why men act the way they act or more specifically, their core pattern of thinking. The information that I am about to divulge pertains to all men: gay or straight, ages 1 to 100, any race or religion, metropolitan or otherwise. As long as he is biologically the male human specie, this information is him.

Before I continue, I’d like to warn you again. What I’m about to give you is an information potentially powerful. It can affect your behavior towards all men in general for the rest of your life. If you’re a man reading this post, you’ll be surprised how uncomplicated we are. Either of two things will most likely to happen as soon as you realize the potential of this information: one, you’ll be in denial; or two, you’ll be fearful of how open a prey you’ve become to cunning modern beautiful women (or other men for that matter) who’ve realized this information before you.

Now, if you’re a woman reading this post, either of two things will most likely to happen: one, you’ll curl up inside and remain where you’re comfortable with; or two, you’ll use this information to the best of your advantage. But, take extreme caution. Like all vital information, when used irresponsibly, not only can it harm people but it could backfire. You could end-up hating men the rest of your life. You could also use this information to defeat any man in any debate or fool any man in his own game and win all the time. Some women I know would say, “What’s wrong with that?” Again, I warn you.

As I have mentioned earlier, there may be a few who have already realized this. Some of these few, I would assume are women typically viewed as powerful or intelligent. Still, some of these few are men who simply chose to be quiet or burry it deep enough so that it’s not noticeable to the keenest eyes but not as deep so as to make sure to remind them the potentials of its powers whenever necessary. And then there are those who have realized this all along but just couldn’t put their finger on it. They couldn’t put their finger on it simply because it’s too simple to be true, too GOOD to be true, yet too powerful to be carrying it around. They are just simply too afraid to analyze it further for its potentials are never-ending and always reliable. They can’t totally ignore it either even if they wanted to simply because it’s a part of them.

So, with all that in mind, let me share you how do men think? We simply ask ourselves consciously as well as subconsciously, “How do I get from point A to point B?”



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get it on!

I'm very interested in knowing what you think about our penile species.



8:03 AM  
Blogger marlbaldez said...

HAHAHA!!! Momel! I knew I could always count on you. Wait til you get to part two. ;)

4:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!!!!! I can hardly wait to get to the climax!!!!!!!!!

Quoting Momel Dearie:


8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha haaa! @ Devilish

What about men?

Really, tell us more.

Interested. Seriously. Fo shizzle.


12:33 PM  
Blogger marlbaldez said...

Na ah ah you guys. Ponder on it for a while. Thats my advice. It'll make you more prepared when I explain it on the second part. Patience is a virtue.

5:20 AM  
Blogger Bryan Anthony the First said...

men: they're ediblility is seasonal; fatally poisonous anytime!

2:09 AM  

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