Monday, August 28, 2006

I’ve recently just talked with a friend and here’s what we think why people get into relationships.

There are three reasons why someone invests a great deal in a relationship: love, sex, and other purpose. The greatest of which is of course love. The easiest is sex. That’s basically what you need to know about them.

The fun part is discussing the third one; other purpose. The purpose varies depending on the individual’s needs and personality. The most popular “need” I can think of is opportunity to acquire more wealth. It’s so popular jokes have been created around them. I’m sure you know what the 4 M’s stand for when looking for “the perfect mate.” I’ve heard this joke since grade school. The process of getting that “wealth” ranges all the colors of the spectrum depending on the personality of the person. (Insert your craziest imagination here.)

Sometimes sex and/or love become the third reason. When people use sex as the third reason, the relationship dies quickly. This is the usual cause of heartbreaks especially when the other party uses love as his third reason.

Then, things can get really complicated. People start to add a third party or, people display love-like actions that can be so complex the other party think they’re sincere acts. The list goes on. Layers and layers of situations intertwine. Individuals get lost. Then, all of a sudden people are singing the Gloria Gaynor song.

The moral of the story is always chose what’s best for you. Accept the fact that, even before we decide to enter a relationship, we will learn something out of this and the teacher is the other party. Finally don’t be afraid to learn. In the long run, we always end up wiser than before.


Blogger marlbaldez said...

Thank you very much Mr. Silverberg. Although my blog aims at shedding light on closed minds, it shall be such an honor if my blog touches someone's heart. Please don't get tired sharing your reactions on my blog.

5:18 AM  
Blogger The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

i'm someplace else with this relationships thing.

i dunno.

but still, maybe.

i dunno.

11:54 PM  
Blogger Momel said...

Now you got me thinking. What I have now is not love. It's a learning process. It sounds so proper, and a whole lot of different.

Nice post. I like it.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Bryan Anthony the First said...

greet my breast lid...

you so sound so good on this
...this relating thing
...maybe you are are

meanwhile, i have to disagree on you saying "sex is the easiest"...

i will not discuss further, i wish not to incriminate myself

but indulge me to lodge an unsubstantiated opposing view on sex and relationship


10:37 PM  

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