Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Here’s something new I want to share with you. You’re gonna hate me for this but I’ll take the risk. You’re gonna hate me because it’s about love. I’ll take the risk because it’s something totally new for me. Here goes…

Starting today, I’m going to learn to love someone less. It’s difficult for me because getting there is hard enough. Maintaining the love is the most difficult, or so I thought; until I decided to start loving less.

Corny? Yeah. Shallow? Maybe. Passe? Probably. Difficult? Definitely.

You have to understand. I love and respect myself before anything else. I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. I learned from an early age that the only person you’ll spend the rest of your life with from birth to your last breath is yourself. So, if you can’t be happy with yourself, who will? And the only way to be happy with yourself is to know who you are, respect what you are, and learn to love yourself more as you go through life’s challenges.

It feels great when you’ve achieved self-realization. It’s one of the greatest things in the world. All you feel everyday you wake up until you retire to bed at night is contentment and gratitude. The only thing left for you to do is to share the richness that you feel you have. Only then can you give great love. Maintaining this love to someone you love more than he love himself makes an even greater challenge.

Which brings us back to loving less; it’s difficult for me because I question myself. I used to think that love is love; nothing more or less. At this moment, as I am writing this, if I chose to love less, does that mean it’s not love anymore?

I know what love is but what does loving less exactly mean? Is loving less really love in the first place? Is it possible to acclimate your love to the person you’re currently loving? Half hopingly I’d learn what this is as I write and as I consciously decide to do this. Half hopingly I’m excited because I can feel it in the core of my being that this is going to be my next big lesson in life.

Although I have very high standards I do not expect. Expectations lead to disappointment most often than not. But, I have to learn to draw the line. Drawing the line for me means not compromising my love and respect for my self in exchange for mere words that doesn’t substantiate the actions of the one I love.


Corny? Not. Shallow? Not. Passe? Never. Difficult? Definitely.

Friends: I heed your comments and feedback. Please enlighten me.
Thank you.


Blogger Momel said...

Love. I knew I loved him inspite of. I never needed to love him less inspite of. That would be selfish.

3:44 PM  
Blogger marlbaldez said...

For momel:

It's settled then...
Thanks momel.
...and besides; what would I get by loving someone less?

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made it! :)

Just a shorty:

Dearie,in loving.. you can never set a borderline on how much or how less.. it's just a matter of loving as much as u can.. never forgetting to love yourself , so as not to end up feeling all stupid and debasing yourself low.

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loving someone less...is it still called love or is it called hate?
What causes that turn in the road where they appear to shine less brightly?
Are you reacting to a situation or emotion.........start feeling it from your heart! How would you feel if they were dead? The ability to receive and consume their love evaporates into thin air.
There are degrees of love, if not titles even; " new love" , " old love" , " loveless" comes to mind. Each have a different essence of vitality. Each allow us to breath differently. Just alllowing yourself to be loved is the very first step!!

8:59 PM  

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